
Dallas, Texas

Market Presence:
North America


DataRooms belongs to the top-rated virtual data room providers worldwide. Investment banks and reputable corporations address DataRooms in order to get qualified assistance and secure and convenient venue for M&A, due diligence, post-merger, fundraising, restructuring, etc. VDRs by DataRooms constitute highly protected platforms enhanced with the intuitive interface and high-quality customer services.

Document and access safety are guaranteed by the complex security system inherent to company’s data rooms: all the documents are encrypted and provided with dynamic watermarks, the data undergoes regular backups and is scanned in order to detect viruses. Also, expiry period can be set for the documents: when the period is over the users cannot view the document even if it was downloaded. With the help of distinctive permission groups, the room administrators can manage the access to the data and make sure that the right visitors see the right files and folders.

Whenever activity occurs in the VDR it is registered and included in the audit report: the room owner always knows what is going on in their room and keep an eye on the most active and interested visitors. DataRooms offers its customers not only secure platform but also the comfortable environment for information storing and sharing. The room is integrated with Microsoft Office software, supports bulk uploads and full-text search, contain Q&A section. Also, the VDR website can be branded on demand and made consistent with the corporate identity of the customer: company’s logos and colours are used in the design of the VDR.

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